Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Lifelong Learners

As a lifelong learner myself I found the 7 1/2 things listed to be true. The one that I have the most difficult time with is viewing problems as challenges. Sometimes it is difficult to step back from the situation and problem solve or think creatively to solve the problem, especially if it is something that needs immediate attention. Of the 7 1/2 things that were listed the ones that I have the easiest time with (aside from Play!) is accepting responsibility for my own learning, if there is something that I would like to learn or do I go for it. Another item that I have found to be extremely helpful to me in learning something is to teach others. One of the best ways for me to gain a better understanding of something is by teaching it to someone else.

I had never stopped to think of the different habits that may make someone more apt to be a lifelong learner before.

1 comment:

Deb B ANN said...

Well, that's all good. But I like the polka dots.

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